Thursday, October 30, 2008

12 Weeks or 3 months!!

3 months!! It's been another good week. I definitely feel better!! This is what my weekly email reported is happening to our little one:

The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his/her toes will curl, his/her eye muscles will clench, and his/her mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. Hisher intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his/her abdominal cavity about now, and his/her kidneys will begin excreting urine into his/her bladder.Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His/her face looks unquestionably human: His/her eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his/her head, and his/her ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lemon) and weighs half an ounce.

Another week closer to week 15...the week we find out the gender. As much as we've gone back and forth whether to find out the gender or not, Mark's excitement to find out has definitely made me excited!!

Belly Report-same pants, no bump (well, i think i see a small bump, mark says i'm seeing things)

May God continue to bless our already loved little one!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Food Cravings & Aversions!

Shaped Mac'n Cheese (spiderman, spongebob, ect.)<-- (could eat 4 breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Waffles with syrup (crave in the morning)
Hand full of Chocolate chips !!!
Cheese Its
Hot fudge Sundays from McDonalds or Frosty's from Wendy's (bad, i know)
Minute Maid Orange Juice

french toast

Mexican food (which i used to eat as often as once a week)
Rice (puke)
Starbucks (goodbye to my white chocolate mochas)
Veggies (I know, this is bad)
Satine Crackers (NASTY)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

11 Week Ultrasound!!

Another week down! So I've had a wonderful week! I've really increased in energy and appetite :) My mornings are so much better and I finally am able to cook and clean my house (Mark finds this wonderful too).
Today I had another ultrasound! It was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen with my own two eyes. We saw the baby move a few times. The baby would make Mark and I laugh and my tummy would go up and down making it difficult to see the baby's next move. You could definitely making out the head, body, arms, legs and feet. I joked because it looked like the baby had a head of hair (obviously he or she didn't). We saw and heard the babies heart beating away. Today the baby's heart beat was 157!
My next appointment is scheduled for November 25th! My doct. said that she'll try to find out the sex of the baby on this date. I'm incredibly excited to see whether it's a BOY or a GIRL. I can think of a million reasons why I would LOVE to have a little baby boy, and a million other reasons why I would LOVE to have a little baby girl. Time will only tell.
Enjoy the pictures...hopefully you can make them out. One of the pictures shows the babies little leg bent at the knee...don't ask me why I think this is so cute!
Love you all!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10 Weeks!

10 weeks!! This week I finally made it to the grocery store...after 5 1/2 weeks of being sick with just the idea of being near so much food. So we're excited to have a full fridge and meals to cook! The past week has flown by! I had many difficult mornings, but the last 2 I have woke up surprisingly feeling ok!
Here is what I'm being told is happening during week 10:
Your sprout’s spurt continues this week -- finally, his/her weight is measurable! He's/She’s a mere 4 grams (equivalent to just 4 paperclips!) and is the size of a pretty little strawberry. This week, his/her heart is strong enough for the beat to show up on a Doppler reading done by your doctor. Don’t panic if his/her heart sounds like it’s about to explode -- in utero, babies have a heart rate of about 140 beats per minute, compared to our 80 beats. His/Her brain is also moving like Greased Lightning: every minute it develops a quarter of a million new neurons. He'll/She'll be outpacing Einstein in no time at all! As if all that weren't enough, your baby's heart is now pumping blood throughout his/her body; if you're lucky enough to catch it, you might see the blood flow on your next ultrasound, since his/her skin is parchment-thin right now. With all this work going on, it's hard to believe he's/she's still so tiny!
More to report next week...And more pictures! Can't wait to see the little one bouncing all around!
Love ya all!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

9 Weeks and Ultrasound!

9 weeks, and the due date was decided to stay at May 14th! Yes! The baby was sleeping during the ultrasound..not much movement, however his/her heart was beating away at 167 beats per minute! They came across the area that is causing me to spot... the doctor explained it like a bruise and said that it's on the outside of the cervix and nothing to worry about at all. She said that she would prove it to me by letting me come back in two weeks and showing me that the spot (you could see it in the ultrasound) would be gone. I told her that I believed her, but she said that she felt bad that they weren't able to reschedule today's appointment so that "daddy" could come, so she said this would also give him a chance to see the little one. She joked that this next time hopefully he wouldn't be 7 shades of grey...haha. You've got to love Mark. I love overhearing him on the phone with his buddies saying, "hey guess what, you're going to be an uncle". He also thinks he's cute by putting his hand on my stomach (of course no evidence of a bump). We'll I'm feeling great..and just wanting the weeks to keep flying by! On another note, Taya called and she's having a baby BOY!! So exciting and it definitely makes everything a little more real! Can't wait to meet my neph

ew! Family get togethers are going to be SO much fun!!! Anyway, Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Everything went as planned...

We got lucky...everything went as planned! Grandma Yager was super excited, and so was the Drost family. It was a wonderful weekend! Shayna looked breath taking in her wedding dress!! I'm so excited her day turned out as perfect as it did!

We have a Doctor appointment on Thursday. Mark will be in Vegas. He called me today to see if I could change it so that he could come along, but it looks like they fill their schedule up weeks in advance. I'm going to call tomorrow morning to see if there are any cancellations...wish us luck!

But as of right now, I'll be going to the doct.'s at 2pm on Thursday. I'm excited to see how big baby Yager has gotten! He or she has supposably more than doubled in size. Can't wait to get another ultrasound picture...especially because this time it'll look a little more like a baby! :)

More on Thursday...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

8 weeks!!

8 Weeks!!! I'm getting excited for my next ultrasound when they give me an EXACT date... it's killing me, am I 7 weeks? 8 weeks? somewhere in between?
Well I've had a pretty tough week. I feel pretty sick every morning, and even as I write this blog, I feel like I could gag. Help me! No complaining....sickness means things are going well.
Tomorrow is our big day. We plan to first stop at my mother-in-laws and share with her the exciting news!! We order a onsie that says, "see you in may grandma yager" also has a picture of the ultrasound (even though baby yager is a blob...but as already mentioned, it is a beautiful blob). It hasn't come in the mail yet, so i'm crossing my fingers it'll be here today!
Then, it's off to get my nails done before my sister's rehearsal dinner. After we're home from the rehearsal, and home from dinner...We plan to give out our gifts. I'll give my sister who is getting married her scrapbook that i prepared, my dad his birthday gift, and my sister some baby-to-be gifts. The last gift I'll give her is a onsie that read "I'm the older cousin"...we'll see if she catches on...i know Janay will. She basically knows my cycle because I have talked with her about this so much. It's been most difficult not telling her..she's asked twice if I've had my period (she always hopes I say no, which i lied to her this time and said yes!).
On another note, it's crazy to think my little sister is getting married this weekend. Maybe it's because it seems like I got married yesterday, or maybe it's just because she's my little sister, and playing dolls with her doesn't seem that long ago. We also always used to pretend we were twins...time flies. I have good memories with my sisters and I hope my kids someday can say the same.

Well that's all for now. I guess there will be more on the 9th (9week).

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