It's not a SHE, it's a HE!!!!!!!! HAHAH, most of you were wrong on the Guessing game! Those of you who guessed BOY, Congrats!!
We were at our appointment at 9am sharp. At 9:45 we still were sitting in the waiting room (AHHHH). We finally made it into the ultrasound room around 10ish. The Tech pointed out the eyes, legs, arms, fingers, etc...THEN....the little squirmer spread his legs out as wide as could be! Sure enough there IT was! We were ecstatic!!! The Tech showed us the profile and said, "looks just like daddy". The appt. was perfect, other than it would have been nice to just sit in the ultrasound room with that little moniter on my belly all day. It's amazing to see all the movement!! Mark said he's going to buy the baby a baby guitar and teach him how to play. Now it's off to a 1/2 day of work (how the heck am I going to work?!?!?!). I might just have to first swing by baby gap and pick out my 'sons' first BOY outfit!!
Ultrasound Pictures Coming soon!!
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