Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over - Happy New Year!!!

My Cup Runneth Over....These sweet words are used frequently in our household! In 2010, our cup really did runneth over! We watched our little man's crawls turn into steps, his bald head turn into long locks of hair a bald head with a little more hair, and his personality take on a character of its own. We watched him put on a performance as he dug into this first birthday cake and we listened as his coos turned into sweet words- momma, dadda...and most recently "IWUVYOU" (three words blurred into one). 2010 was such a blessing for our little family and the blessings continue to come (and not in the form of another kid-at least any time soon, if that was what you were secretly wishing for)- and for that we are so greatful!
Here's to hoping all your cups runneth over in 2011!

Happy New Year From the Yager's!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nothing sweeter than a baby fresh out of the bath!!

And the little man finally has enough hair for a comb over, got to love that!!!

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