Tuesday, February 23, 2010

10 months! Slooooooooooooow down Bryce!

10 months! Wow...this little man has been so much fun this past month. It's amazing to see the little changes that happen daily! His personality SHINES! This little guy sure knows how to get around. In a blink of an eye, he's across the room. He walks holding the couch from one side to the other. He now has a favorite book, Gavon the Grasshopper. We can hide the book anywhere around his toys and say "where's Gavon the Grasshopper", and Bryce will find it! He Looooooooves to read books. I swear we spend the majority of our days reading :)
We sure love him Bryce Jaxon!

1 comment:

The Runyans said...

hey!! i went back and found your blog so i could tell you that i posted info on the photo class!! hope you will be able to come, and if you are. .. leave me a message and tell me you are!!

and your pics here are great! you are on his level, which is perfect!

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