Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Dec. 2011
My handsome little santa clause...remembering the reason for the the same time spoiling this kid rotten at Christmas time. A Jeep 4 wheeler rolled into our house off of the UPS truck last week...can't wait to watch his eyes light up with joy! Oh how I loooove being a momma :) Merry Christmas Y'all!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Yager's
Well, things haven't changed...our life is still BUSY BUSY BUSY, but I looove it! We've been doing a few home projects. And this weekend we're putting up our 12' Christmas tree! Eeek! Here's a few pictures of our projects, as well as a picture of my naughty santa (who will not cooperate for his Christmas photos)! The Joy of having a mother who's a photographer....
(crappy blackberry photos)

and here's our naughty santa.......
(crappy blackberry photos)
and here's our naughty santa.......
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Halloween 2011 - our sweet little boy :)
We walked around the most beautiful neighborhood this Halloween and collected TONS of candy. Bryce was super polite and has talked about Halloween and candy each morning since Oct. 31st!
I just loved all the "awws" we got when walking this little man from door to door. Now if I can keep my sticky fingers away from all the chocolate! Happy Halloween friends and family :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
It makes me sad that I've been such a bad blogger these days...guess that's what happens when you're running all over the place with a curious two year old. We're loving the fall weather! Tonight we TRIED carving pumpkins, but Bryce continued to tell me that it was "gross" and that he didn't want to touch 'it'. Some how his love for pumpkins went down the drain when he saw all the gunk inside of it. So...Mark made a Buffalo Bills Pumpkin and carved 'Bryce' into mine. Bryce enjoyed watching from afar as he drove his bike in circles! Instead of some sweet pictures by the pumpkins, I instead captured these. Guess he's cute either way.

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hey friends and family,
I promise to post more pictures of the sweet little monster soon! He's bigger, cuter and crazier than ever! For those of you who know about his hair loss situation.......we're getting it under control....thank goodness! Hope you're all enjoying your summer. Miss all of you!
I promise to post more pictures of the sweet little monster soon! He's bigger, cuter and crazier than ever! For those of you who know about his hair loss situation.......we're getting it under control....thank goodness! Hope you're all enjoying your summer. Miss all of you!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Farragut Fun
I love being a Farragut momma! I love this area more than I can express and LOVE all the beautiful areas I can take my son to play. McFee Park has a brand new playarea and splash pad. One of our favorite new places to burn some energy! Here's my favorite little monster doing what he does best....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My white hair child :) The sun loves this kid!
Forgive me for being a terrible blogger....again! Summer is slipping between my fingers. It's JULY people! Ah! I've been busy over on (PTL!) and have been neglecting my poor child (of course not really). Tonight after our fun shopping trip (Thank you Krogers for having kid shopping carts with a car that leads the cart!!) we played outside. The lighting was beautiful and my cute WHITE haired child was being silly so I grabbed my camera! I hope you all find yourself to be having a wonderful summer!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Happy Friday :)
I decided to keep the ketchup on his face...makes him all that much more cute ;) Happy Friday y'all! :)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Summer heat!
Ok, since I'm on a roll, I thought I'd add a few more pictures of the little man! When I say we've been spending a lot of time outdoors, I most seriously mean it!! We have so many parks around us that we enjoy visiting, as well as spending time in the front yard playing in our little tikes and sprinkler! For an anniversary gift from my parents (YES WE'RE APPROACHING OUR FIVE YEAR, CRAZY HUH!) we received Zoo family season passes, super duper excited to take Bryce many times this summer! So yes, even with this heat we've been and will continue to play outside and soak in all the vitamin D that we can! If nothing else fails, we have popsicles to cool us down...and Bryce likes them to see the least!

Friday, June 3, 2011
Goldfish Break!
Sorry about the lack of posts! I finally turned the camera on my little man this afternoon while he was playing in the sprinkler. This picture is when he stopped for a Goldfish break :) Isn't he a stud...and such a toddler?? It's hard for me to see any baby in that face anymore :( Good thing I have a neice and nephew on the way! I'm going to have to get my baby fix from the both of them!
Bryce has been enjoying playing in the water during this HOT streak we've been having (also known as summer, ha!). We're fortunate to have a neighborhood pool and love taking wagon rides to the pool to cool down!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Mommy's Heart Breaker!
Well my husband surprised me with my dream camera on Monday (in addition shipped it express, brownie points right?!) And although Bryce is my little heartbreaker, he sure gives me a difficult time when trying to take his picture. 2 years old and can already run 100 miles per hour...honest :) Happy Friday friends and family!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Cousins are best friends!
Really quickly count to just about that amount of time, I (and when I say I, I mean just myself) took my 2 year old 10 hrs. up North for a 2 day visit with the Drost side of the family! Although I still feel like I could fall flat on my face from exhaustion, when all said and done it was worth it!! Bryce is a champ in the car and I couldn't be more proud of his behavior during the drive! Now sharing is another issue.....but, we're working on that (sorry Carson). Here's a quick recap!
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Oh and most exciting my little siste was the 4th to graduate from Hope College!! And, she's the newest resident of Farragut, TN! Aren't my sisters beautiful!?!? |
Thursday, May 5, 2011
A Thursday Smootch!
And just to make your Thursday all a little more brighter, here's a smootch from the little guy!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I'm the BIG BROTHER!!!

Happy Easter
You gave us on Easter morning.
Because of You we know
That no problem is too difficult
And even death does not have power over us.
Thank You for the gift of JOY
You gave us when You were resurrected.
Because of you we know
That no matter how challenging life may be,
In the end we will rejoice again.
Thank you for the gift of LOVE
You gave us when You laid down Your life.
Because of You we know
That there is no sin too great to separate us
and we are incredibly valuable to You.
Thank You for the gift of LIFE,
You gave us when You left the tomb.
Because of Easter we know
this world is just the beginning
and we will spend forever in heaven with You.
We celebrate You, JESUS,
With hearts full of praise and gratitude
For who You are and all You’ve done for us!
2nd Birthday

Bryce had a wonderful 2nd Birthday. We enjoyed celebrating 2 years of wonderfulness :) Once Bryce went to bed on Friday night, we filled the room with surprises. He was so excited to wake up and see all the presents. He immediately ran to his choo-choo....which made it difficult for him to take a break and open the rest of his gifts. Later in the morning we went to Chuck-E-Cheese where Bryce enjoyed driving the big truck, riding on the horse, and eating pizza! He refused his afternoon nap by repeating "I want to play" over and over and over. So instead we invited my lovely friend Jessica and here 2 sweeties to come over for cupcakes and sing the little man Happy Birthday! 2 Years Old...Just like that!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Bryce Jaxon ~ April 23, 2011
I sat pondering the words to write for your first birthday letter just yesterday (1st birthday letter)…well, ok, a year ago, but it feels like yesterday! This second year has slipped between my fingers like the quick sand in an hour glass. Although some of my most favorite memories come from your first year, your second year does not trail behind as it has truly left me smiling at all your big boy accomplishments and fun memories that we have shared. I find it difficult to summarize your second year in a way that does it justice. If It was 20 years from now and I had to explain to you your second year, I guess it would go something like this…
I would tell you how excited we were to watch you take your first big boy steps. I wanted so badly to keep you a baby forever, but I shined with pride as I saw you take those first steps across our living room in Kawatuska (watch Bryce's first steps)! How fun it was to watch you walk from place to place and discover how to make your mom go crazy by making a total mess.

But, the memory I would be most excited to share with you from this second year would be the time that your little brown eyes looked up at me and said, “I love you”. I love the way you love me, Bryce. It’s ok to me that you have a bit of separation anxiety… that quick sand continues to fall and…you’ll be three, than four, than five... Thankfully your daddy has given us the best gift in the whole wide world-for me to stay home with you. I’m so thankful that in this second year I haven’t missed a moment… because I know too well that in a blink of an eye you really will be 20, and the idea of this won't just be hypothetical!
Happy Birthday Big Boy! So thankful God handpicked YOU for ME! I love you!
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