Monday, April 18, 2011

Refusing to take a bath!

 Too young to be refusing a bath and only agreeing to a shower...we're in some big trouble with this little 2 year old (almost) going onto 20!


Joeylee said...

haha thats to funny, we haven't run into that problem with Kaylee, she still loves bath time. he is to cute, I love his smile

Taryn Yager said...

Hopefully it's a phase like everything else at this age :) haha, hehe!

A Hootie Hoot said...

He is such a cutie! Thankfully, my LO still likes baths (except for getting his hair washed).

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Rachel said...

Ahh yes, you are definitely in trouble! hee hee!

He is just too adorable for words!

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