Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The A word is coming up!

Can you believe March is almost over?! And...with the departure of March comes April...the month my newborn baby  toddler turns 2!I think it was about this time last year I was tearing up at the thoughts that my baby was turning 1 and JUST.LIKE.THAT....the little love of my life turns 2.
If you know Mark and I than you know we're big smootchers. We smootch all over our baby about 98% of the day. Yesterday I was giving Bryce his morning smootches and he put his little hand up and said, "momma stop". Ouch, ha! I quickly reminded him that he will get momma's smootches forever and that momma aint never stopping! But it was a quick reminder that our little man is growing up...and that momma's not needed for his EVERY move. Guess that happens....Bryce does not have a pause button, believe me I have looked!
I absolutely love being his momma and count my blessing EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! It's the simple things that make this momma's heart smile...such as how sweet he is in his morning bath!


Joeylee said...

i know what you mean, they grow up so fast..my LO turns 2 in May. She doesn't have a pause button either and sometimes I wish she did..LOL he is adorable and don't feel bad about the kisses thing, Kaylee does the same thing to me!

Kimberly said...

My little one turns 2 tomorrow and I'm having such a hard time accepting that. They grow up much too quickly!

I love these pictures!!!

Megan said...

I stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say hi!

Your little man is so handsome and looks so happy in the bathtub. You take gorgeous pictures!

And you're right - time flies so quickly...enjoy every moment!!

Taryn Yager said...

Thanks ladies! Such sweet comments! Thanks for following!

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